
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Review: NYX Jumbo Eye Pencils

I've been using the NYX Jumbo Pencils for a few months now, after seeing a few raves on YouTube. I was intrigued on how they can be used as a base to help your eyeshadows look better.

I purchased Milk (White) & Black Bean (Black) as I felt that these colours would be the most usable.

How I use NYX Jumbo Pencils as a base

I saw some demos on YouTube where the Jumbo Pencils are "drawn" on to make a solid colour. I tried this, and noticed that eyeshadow colours look even better layered on top of the solid Jumbo pencil colour, however the thicker you put these on your lids, the more prone it is to crease as it's like a thick waxy layer. Not a good look in the middle of the day! It works much better as a thin layer.

After trial & error I've found that the best way to use these is over a primer, I use Too Faced Shadow Insurance (TFSI). I dot the pencil lightly all over the lid (like leopard spots) then use my ring finger to gently blend the dots together.

I usually use Milk as a base for brighter colours (greens, oranges, light browns, golds etc) which helps make them true to colour (as they are in the pan). I use Black Bean as a base for dark colours, for the same reason.

I also use Milk as is a base for my highlight just under my brow too, which works well.

I haven't used the Jumbo pencils as an eyeliner so I can't comment on that.

I have noticed depotting tutorials on YouTube as well, which I will look at doing as this will save product, rather than using a pencil sharpener & lose some of the colour in shavings.


I purchased the NYX Jumbo Eye Pencils for $5.95AU each. Much cheaper than using a gel eyeliner as a base (which is what I was originally looking at).


I'm finding myself using these pencils more often now that they've become a staple to my daily makeup routine. They DO make eyeshadows look more vibrant & are easy to use when you get the hang of them. I use Milk more often than Black Bean, but only because I usually only wear lighter colours to work.

These pencils are hard to find in retail stores in Australia (apparently they are around but I've never seen them for sale) however are easily obtained online. Depotting these pencils may be tricky. I watched a few videos showing how to do it in a microwave but I've been putting it off. I think it's inevitable though as I know they will last a lot longer this way. I will write another post when I eventually get around to it!

My rating: 7.5 out of 10

Pros: Cheap, easy to use, easy to store.
Cons: Using too much can crease on eyelids, hard to find in stores in Australia (but easy to find online)


makeup by danisaddiction said...

I really like milk....I use that one the most out of all of my colors too. I also definitely use a primer under it, I also use the TFSI. I have also found that I can only use a small amount, or I get creasing.

KeLLSTaR said...

@makeup by danisaddiction Excellent! :-) Do you notice that your eyeshadows are brighter?

makeup by danisaddiction said...

Yes, they are brighter....but I sometimes even use MAC painterly pp over the TFSI and then apply a small amount of milk. Okay, okay....I do that alot lol.

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