
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Review: LUSH Butterball Ballistic

As you've seen from previous posts, I've been trying out quite a few Lush products since finally getting past the smell to enter the store.

Since the weather in Sydney has become quite cold, I've been enjoying relaxing hot baths - trying out various bubble baths & of course, Lush Bath Bombs/Ballistics!

Butterball is the 3rd ballistic that I've tried. Here's what Lush has to say about it.
"The bouncing Butterball is chock with chips of cocoa butter to melt all over your hot body in warm water and smooth you all over like a master masseur. It will fizz joyously, scenting the water with sweet musk and vanilla and softening you up nicely."
The Scent
There isn't much to say about this. Butterball has a subtle scent, both in the ballistic & in the bath. It's a soft powdery smell which is pleasant however also non de-script (AKA boring) not my favourite Lush scent

In Action
In the water, Butterball is equally non de-script. It certainly has a lot of bubbles but not much else other than tiny brown blobs of cocoa butter that float on the top of the water. I do admit that my skin felt quite soft even before I finished my bath, however it also felt greasy & tacky. Not my favourite feeling. The bath also became quite slippery.

The Cost
Butterball is $6.50 for a 98g ballistic.

The Verdict
I find all of Lush Ballistics expensive for what they are, & not a beauty essential however some of them are worth purchasing every now and again for a treat. I also love the "theatrics" of some of the Lush Ballistics - a mix of pretty colours as well as the aromatic scent of essential oils. Unfortunately Butterball comes up a little short & I won't be repurchasing it. I can get my cocoa butter fix in better ways.

Don't get me wrong, Butterball is pleasant, but I just don't feel that it's worth it. So, I don't recommend it.

My Rating: 2 out of 10


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